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Selected Publications and Public Presentations for Brian Mulligan
Mulligan, B. "New models of higher education for low income countries", European Digital Education Network conference 2023, Dublin City University, June 2023. (Slides, Full paper)
Mulligan, B. "No more the poor relation! Distance Education is the future", European Digital Education Network conference 2023, Dublin City University, June 2023. (Slides, Lightning talk recording)
Mulligan, B. "Give them what they ask for! Real Student Centred Provision", EdTech2023 conference, The Law Society, Dublin, May 2023. (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Covid-19 and the Future of Online Learning", Education Matters Yearbook, December 2022. (Article)
Guest Lecturer, Chitkara University, Chandigarh, India, October 2022. Lecture Series "Overview of Learning Technologies and Strategy Implications" (Slides)
Keynote Speaker "Think Bigger! Digital Transformation and new Models of Higher Education", EdTech2022 conference, May 2022, UCC, Cork. (Slides, Recording)
Keynote Speaker "IT Sligo Online: An unconventional success - with insights into the future" OEB "Warmup" event for Danish Academics, Nov 30, 2021, Berlin (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Exploring Barriers to Innovation in Education" Costa Rica English Teachers Annual Conference, May, 21, 2021 (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Pause & Rewind: Simple techniques to build a MOOC". Chitkara University (Antibiotic Resistance Group), May, 19, 2021 (Slides)
Keynote Speaker OE Berlin Conference, Nov 30 - Dec 4, 2020, Plenary Debate "This House Believes Universities, in Their Current Form, Are Unsustainable as Mass-participant Institutions" (Link)
Mulligan, B., se la Torre, L., Pozzo, M.I., Foss, A, "The potential of online laboratories in stem education; First steps towards an international community of practice", SEFI International Conference, "“Engaging Engineering Education”, 20-24 Sep 2020 - (Paper , Recording )
Mulligan, B., “Remote labs: The last frontier in online engineering education?”, The Engineers Journal, Oct 5th, 2020, (Full text)
Mulligan, B., "Building an international peer-support community for remote and virtual laboratories", presented at Engineers Ireland Academic Society webinar on 'Remote and virtual laboratories: Equipping students for hands-off learning', September, 3rd, 2020. (Recording)
Mulligan, B., "University should only be for the elite!". OE Berlin Insights, July 9, 2020 (Article)
Mulligan, B., "Education 4.0: Accelerating into the Future of Education for Automation Engineers", Robotics and Automation Conference, June 2020 (Slides)
Mulligan., B., "Multi-mode Learning; Enabling flexible access through simple content development", Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Molecular (CECAM) event, April 28, 2020 "Digital Learning after its Black Swan" (recording available in this page)
Mulligan, B., "Addressing your Automation Talent Shortage through Online Learning", Automation Exhibition and Conference, Belfast, Feb 2020, (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Engineering Education Online - the future is now", The Engineers Journal, 3rd December 2019 (Article - full text)
Mulligan, B., "Attracting more students into STEM through Work-based education", Engineering Technology Teachers Association Annual Conference, Mullingar, 22/23 November 2019, (Slides)
Mulligan, B., Gillen, A., Cox, C., McCormack, J., "What about those who cannot go to university?", World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, November 2019 (Slides, Abstract)
Mulligan, B., "The Threat of the Mega-Providers", EdTech2019 conference, Dundalk, 30th May 2019 (Slides, Text)
Mulligan, B., "Online education: the present and the future", ACCA conference, "Technology and Accounting. Thinking ahead", Institute of Technology Sligo, April 12, 2019 (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "How I lost my faith in OER!", OER19 Conference, NUI Galway, 10-11 Apr, 2019 (Slides, Blog, recording)
Mulligan, B., "Is higher education a waste of money? Can learning technology help?",OEB insights, June 13, 2018, (Article)
Mulligan, B., "Is Education a waste of time and money? Can Learning Technologies help?", EdTech2018 Conference, Carlow institute of Technology, May31st-1st June, 2018. (Abstract, Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Multi-mode Learning - A sustainable approach to opening up higher education", Open Education Global Conference, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands, April 23-26, 2018 (Extended narrative, Slides)
Hegarty, L., Mkondya-Senkoro, E., Mulligan, B.,"Leveraging learning technologies for improved workplace performance in Tanzanian health sector", Open Education Global Conference, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands, April 23-26, 2018, (Abstract, Slides)
Baker, R., Passmore, D., Mulligan, B., "Inclusivity Instead of Exclusivity: The Role of MOOCs for College Credit", book chapter, "Enhancing Education Through Open Degree Programs and Prior Learning Assessment ", edited by Carolyn N. Stevenson, IGI Global, 2018.
Mulligan, B., "How to build a MOOC on a budget and why", OOFHEC2017, The Open, Online and Flexible Higher education Conference, 25-27 October 2017, Milton Keynes, UK. (Abstract and slides)
Mulligan, B., "Getting Bang for your Buck for Learning Technologies - Maximising Impact, Minimising Effort", Invited presentation to staff, Dublin Institute of Technology, September 4th, 2017. (Slides)
Also delivered to staff in Letterkenny Institute of Technology, October 31st, 2017
Mulligan, B., "Academic Video", Keynote presentation, Staff Conference, Limerick Institute of Technology, September 1st, 2017 (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Learning Technologies and the Future of Manufacturing Education", Keynote presentation, Irish Manufacturing Conference, Institute of Technology Sligo, 30th-31st August, 2017. (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Creating educational video content. How easy can you make it?", EdTech2017, Sligo, 1/2 June, 2017 (Abstract and Slides)
Hegarty, L., Mulligan, B., Mkondya-senkoro, E., "Barriers and opportunities for using mobile learning for continuous professional development in developing countries. A case study of the health sector in Tanzania", EdTech2017, Sligo, 1/2 June, 2017 (Abstract and Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Cassells is wrong! You can cut costs using technology", EdTech2017, Sligo, 1/2 June, 2017 (Abstract and Slides)
Mulligan., B., "Low-cost methods for flipping your classroom", Online Teaching and Learning Development Day, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, May 2nd, 2017. (Slides, recording)
Mulligan, B., "Blended and Online Provision to Increase Capacity and Reduce Costs in Higher Education" Invited presentation Higher Education Colleges Association Annual Conference, April 27th, 2017 Slides, Recording
Mulligan, B., "Technology is the key to reducing college education costs!", Irish Times article, April 18th, 2017
Associated interview on Newstalk Radio, April 27th, 2017
Keynote Speaker, Mulligan, B., "Lifelong Learning is the Future and the Future of Lifelong Learning" , 3rd Annual HELLIN Conference, Athlone Institute of Technology, 9th Dec, 2016 (Slides , Recording)
Mulligan, B., “It’s easy to make a MOOC! So why are more not doing it?” (Paper, Slides), 3rd Annual HELLIN Conference, Athlone Institute of Technology, 9th Dec, 2016Dec, 2016
Mulligan, B., "Massive Open Online Courses. Why isn't everyone building them?" Roscommon Learning Network, Abbey Hotel, November 10th, 2016 (Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., Ragan, L., “It Doesn’t Cost That Much: Effective Techniques for Low-Cost MOOC Production – A conversation with Brian Mulligan“ COIL Conversation, Penn State University, 18th October, 2016. Slides, Recording
Mulligan, B., "Designing an Open Online Course using a Low-cost Approach", Workshop, 2016 Triennial ESREA Conference, 8-11th September, 2016 (Abstract)
Mulligan, B., "The Importance of Accreditation and Lowering MOOC Production Costs for Lifelong Learning in Developing Countries.", 48th Eucen Conference, Dublin City University, 1-3 June, 2016 (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "The Future of Higher Education may be Free", EdTech2016 Conference, Law Society, Dublin, May 2016. (Slides and abstract)
Mulligan, B., Loviscach, J., Kiers, J., Uhl, M., Duran, M., Simon, S., "Open your course to the world! Build a MOOC on a Budget", EdTech2016 Conference, Law Society, Dublin, May 2016. (Slides and abstract)
Mulligan, B., “Lowering MOOC Production Costs and the Significance for Developing Countries”, Global Learn Conference 2016, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Limerick, April 28-29, 2016 (Paper, Slides)
Mulligan, B., Day, R., Hegarty, L., "Anyone can build a MOOC! But should they?", ICT in Education Conference, April 2016, LIT Thurles (Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "Online Education for Industry: What the future holds" Presentation to Futures Fair, Glasshouse Hotel, Sligo, 25th March, 2016. (Recording)
Loviscach, J., Mulligan, B., Uhl, M., "Empowering lecturers: How to produce low-cost MOOCs", EADTU Conference, FernUniversitat in Hagen, October 29-30 2015 (Paper in Proceedings pp 222-231)
Keynote Speaker - Mulligan, B., "Low-cost production of MOOCs. Why and How?" Western Balkans and Serbian Moodlemoot, 24th October, 2015 (Slideshare, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "Open Learning Assessment and Accreditation", Book Chapter: "Global e-learning" - 2nd edition, Universidad Distancia de Madrid, September 2015 (Text)
Mulligan, B., Simon, S., Duran, M., Workshop: "Toward Low-cost MOOC Production", EDEN 2015 conference, Barcelona 9-12 June, 2015 (Workshop details)
Day, R., Mulligan, B., "A low-cost MOOC production workflow for distributed teams", EdTech2015 conference, University of Limerick, 28th-29th May, 2015 (abstract, slides)
Mulligan, B., "Low-cost MOOC Development", DCU MOOC Symposium, May 1st, 2015 (Slides)
Day, R., Mulligan, B., "Making Free Online Learning Sustainable Through Reduction of MOOC Production Costs", Higher Education in Transformation Conference, Dublin, 31st. May - 1st. April, 2015 (Paper, slides)
Day, R., Mulligan, B., "MOOCs for Secondary School Students", CESI conference, Feb 28th, 2015 (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Full-time college for all is a luxury we can't afford", Irish Times, 9th Dec, 2014 (Newspaper, Blog)
Mulligan, B., "MOOCs for Teenagers", Global CoderDojo Mentors Conference, Institute of Technology Sligo, October 3rd, 2014. (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Disruptive Innovation in Higher Education: What the future might look like.". World Youth and Student Travel Conference, Dublin, 23 - 26 September, 2014 (Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "Fulltime higher education is an extravagance whose time has passed", EdTech2014 Conference, University College Dublin, 29/30 May 2014. (Sunday Times Article, Conference Recording, Recording - 5 minutes)
Coll, B., Donovan, J., Mulligan, B., Tobin, K., "Reflections on a MOOC", EdTech2014 Conference, University College Dublin, 29/30 May 2014. (Recording, slides)
Henrick, G., Coll, B., Mulligan, B., Donovan, J., "Running a MOOC on Moodle", Moodlemoot 2014, Edinburgh, 15/16 April, 2014.
Mulligan, B., "Is free the future of learning?", European Health Futures Forum webinar, 28th Feb, 2014 (slides, recording - 15 minutes)
Mulligan, B., "Opening up higher education through a low-cost MOOC model", EMOOCs 2014, European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, Lausanne, Switzerland, 10-12 February, 2014 (Slides, Paper, Recording of the same presentation made for Open Education Week, 2014)
Mulligan, B., "Online Learning and Teaching Allocation", Teachers Union of Ireland National Seminar on eLearning, Gresham Hotel, Dublin, 23rd November, 2013. (Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "Good Practice in Online Synchronous Teaching", Online presentation to Digital Skills Academy lecturers, 17th Aug 2013. (Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., Schroeder, R., "Could MOOCs quickly become a major component of Higher Education", Roundtable Discussion, 29th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, Wisconsin, August 7th - 9th, 2013 (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Learning Technologies, Current Debates and Barriers", Training Presentation to Union of Students of Ireland, 18th July 2013, Waterford Institute of Technology. (Slides, Recording)
Coll, B., Donovan, J., Mulligan, B., "Preparing for a MOOC" , EdTech2013 conference, University College Cork, 30/31 May, 2013. (Slides)
Mulligan, B., "Opening Education through Competency Based Assessment", selected paper for "Call for Vision Papers on Open Education 2030" workshop, Seville, Apr 29/30, 2013. (Paper, Full publication)
Mulligan, B., "Open Learning Badges: The Merits and the Mechanics", Computer Education Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Galway, Feb 23rd, 2013 (Abstract, Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., Mino, M., Castillo, D., "Integration of Khan Academy Resources into Moodle", Moodlemoot 2013, Dublin, Feb 19th, 2013 (Abstract, Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "Potential e-Learning Policies for Higher Education", Invitation to present to Union of Students of Ireland, St. Angela's College, Feb 15th, 2013 (Slides, Recording)
McCulloch, C., Mulligan, B. "Mahoodle4MOOC: an unexpected journey", Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning, February 1st, 2013, Toronto, Canada (online) (Abstract, Slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., Passmore, D, Baker, R., Peck, P., "Open Learning Badges and Higher Education - Threats and Opportunities", ALT-C 2012 Conference, Manchester, 11-13 Sep, 2012 (Abstract, Powerpoint slides, Recording)
Mulligan, B., O'Halloran, P., "A Centralised Lecture Capture System for Irish Higher Education", EdTech2012, Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, 31st May-1st June, 2012 (Powerpoint slides, Abstract, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "Building Capacity in Online Learning through Certified Training", Report: Enhancing Flexibility in Higher Education, Institutes of Technology Ireland (Flexible Learning Project), 2012. (PDF)
Mulligan, B., Mulligan, B., Schroeder, R. "Faculty Centric Online Learning- An old tradition in a new format." EDUCA Online Conference, Berlin, Nov 30 - Dec 2, 2011 (Powerpoint slides, Recording)
Ragan, L., Mulligan, B., Kline, M., Bigatel, P., “So you think you can teach online, Prove IT!”, 17th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning, Florida, November 9-11, 2011
Mulligan, B. "Keeping it Simple: Some things not to do in online learning", Adobe Connect Academic User Group, September 16th, 2011 (Recording here - starts at 11 minutes 45 seconds)
Mulligan, B., Reid, S. "Addressing Engineering Teaching Issues in Online Distance Learning", ICEE-2011 Conference, Belfast, August 21-26, 2011 (Slides, Paper )
Chaloux, B., Ragan, L., Mulligan, B. "Building a Leadership Culture: A Workshop for Emerging Leaders in Online Learning", EDEN Annual Conference 2011, Dublin, 19 - 22 June, 2011.
Coll, B., Mulligan, B., "Lecture Capture: A Key Technology for Sustainable and Scalable Open Educational Resource Generation. ", EUNIS International Congress, Dublin, 15-17 June, 2011.
Mulligan, B., Schroeder, R. “The economic implications of using simple approaches in distance learning.”, Discussion Workshop, US Distance Learning Association National Conference 2011, St. Louis, 1-4 May 2011 (Abstract, PowerPoint, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "Challenge Everything: A Contrarian View of Online Learning", Staff Development Retreat, University of Illinois at Springfield, 29th April 2011 (Abstract, PowerPoint, Recording)
Mulligan, B., Coll, B. "Lecture Capture: A Disruptive Technology for Higher Education", HEAnet National Networking Conference, 10th-12th November 2010, Kilkenny, Ireland (Recording, Abstract)
Mulligan, B. "The role of the webinar in flexible continuous professional development", LIN/NAIRTL Conference, 6-7 October 2010, (video recording, paper, slides, Conference proceedings)
Mulligan, B. "The Rapid Development of Online Distance Learning", guest speaker at Dublin e-Learning Summer School, 21-25 June, 2010. (Live Recording -50 minutes)
Mulligan, B., "Webinars: a cost-effective marketing tool", IT Sligo Innovation Week, 22-25 Feb, 2010 (Recording)
Schroeder, R., Mulligan, B., Conlan, S., "Waving the Google Flag for Inter-institutional Class Collaborations", e-Mentor magazine, February, 2010.
Mulligan, B., "Back to the Future: The Power of Traditional Teaching with Modern Communication", m-ICTE 2009 Conference, 22-24 April 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. (Paper, PowerPoint)
Mulligan, B., "A Graduated Approach to Using Learning Technologies", Invited Speaker, Fáilte Ireland National Conference, "Engaging with Emerging Learning Styles", Dublin Castle, 17th November, 2008 (PowerPoint Slides, Live Recording at event - 25 minutes, shorter recording - 15 minutes)
Stemp, H., Mulligan, B., "Establishing the True Cost of Online Distance Education ", EdTech2008: The Ninth Annual Irish Educational Users' Conference, Dundalk, May 22nd - 23rd, 2008. (PowerPoint)
Mulligan, B., "eLearning: Supporting Learning in the Workplace", Work Based Learning Symposium, Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland, May 7th. 2008 (PowerPoint, Recording)
Mulligan, B., "YouTube Education: Can we cope with the demand?", HEAnet National Networking Conference, 15th-16th November 2007, Kilkenny, Ireland (Recording, PowerPoint, Abstract)
Mulligan, B. "Communication not Content: A rapid low-investment approach to online distance learning.", The Thirteenth Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, "The Power of Online Learning: Making a Difference", Nov 7th - 9th, 2007, Orlando, FL, USA. (PowerPoint, Streamed Recording, Abstract)
Mulligan, B., Coll, B., Corcoran, G., "A Lean Approach to Engineering Education", International Symposium for Engineering Education, ISEE-07, 17th – 19th September 2007, Dublin City University, Recording, PPT, - Link to Paper
Mulligan, B., " - The Open Institute" 5th Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning, NUI Galway, Ireland, 7th and 8th June 2007 (CELT07.ppt)
Mulligan, B., Kennedy, B. "Will distance learning disappear? The integration of full-time and distance learners" EdTech2007, The Eighth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, May 23rd - May25th, 2007. (PPT)
Tubridy Show, RTE Radio 1, panel discussion, "Happiness", 21stFeb, 2007, "Happiness", Feb 21, 2007
Coll, B., Mulligan, B. "Rapid development of online learning using web based video-conferencing and video podcasting", Irish Global Network of the American Society of Training and Development, October 11th, 2006.(Slides: Mulligan Coll)
Coll, B., Mulligan, B. "Podcasting: Third Level Education, Anytime Anywhere", Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and ComReg conference: “Facilitating Broadband Leadership”, Berkeley Court Hotel, Dublin, Thursday, 21st September 2006. (Related link: TV news story)
Mulligan B., "Communication tools for Communities of Practice in Nursing and Midwifery", National Nursing and Midwifery Informatics Conference, 21st September 2006. (PowerPoint)
Carter, F., Mulligan, B.,"Mechatronics by online distance learning - the IT Sligo experience ", 7th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, Stockholm, June 2006
Mulligan, B., "The Disappearing Entry Barriers to the Provision of Distance Education", EDEN conference, Vienna, June 2006
Mulligan, B., " A new cost model for distance education in Europe?", Learning Circuits, September 2005.
Mulligan, B., " "The Rapid Development of Online Distance Learning ", EdTech2005: The Sixth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference", EdTech2005 conference, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 2005
Conference Organiser: EdTech2005: The Sixth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, DunLaoghaire, Ireland, 26th-27th May, 2005.
Conference Organiser: EdTech2004: The Fifth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, Tralee, Ireland, 3rd - 4th June, 2004.
Mulligan, B., "Using ICT to Deliver Flexible Learning" (PowerPoint only) - Lionra Workshop - SUPPORTING TEACHING & LEARNING FOR THE EUROPEAN e-LEARNER - GMIT, February, 2004
Mulligan, B., "eLearning"(PowerPoint only)- Conference on IT and Excellence, Tipperary Institute, November 2003.
Conference Organiser: EdTech2003: The Fourth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, Waterford, Ireland, 22nd-23rd May, 2003.
Mulligan, B., "Technologies for Flexible Learning" (PowerPoint only), IT Carlow, January, 2003.
Mulligan, B., "Technology Issues effecting the Deployment of e-Learning Materials", (PowerPoint only), EdTech2002: The Third Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, IT Carlow, May 2002.
Conference Organiser: EdTech2002: The Third Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference
Conference Organiser: EdTech2001, 2nd Annual Irish Education Technology User's Conference
Mulligan. B., "e-Learning in Engineering Education", HETAC Conference of Engineering Education, Waterford IT, May 2002
Mulligan, Boland, "Computer Aided Assessment", EdTech2000, 1st Annual Irish Education Technology User's Conference, Sligo, 2000
Conference Organiser: EdTech2000, 1st Annual Irish Education Technology User's Conference
Mulligan B, "Pilot Study on the Impact of Frequent Computerised Assessment on Student Work Rates", Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough, 1999
Mulligan, B., " Computer Assisted Assessment ", Seminar on Education Technology,.
Mulligan, B., "Teaching and Assessment in Engineering Courses", NCEA "Effective Engineering Engineering" Conference, Athlone, 12th May 1998.
Mulligan. B., "Development of an Activated Sludge Plant Training Simulator", IEI Seminar: Municipal Wastewater and Sludge Management: 2000, Tower Hotel, Sligo, 15th Dec. 1995.
Mulligan, B., "Expected Developments in Computer Aided Learning (CAL) and their implications for Education", Seminar/Workshop on Computer Aided Learning and CAL Lesson Design, Regional Technical College, Ireland, June 4th, 1986 (Paper)
Mulligan, B., "What is Computer Aided Learning (CAL)", Seminar/Workshop on Computer Aided Learning and CAL Lesson Design, Regional Technical College, Ireland, June 4th, 1986 (Paper)
Stapleton, L, Mulligan, B., "The Shannon Estuary - A Model for Water Quality Management", An Foras Forbartha, April 1980.
Stapleton, L, Mulligan, B. ,"Dispersion and Water Quality in Wexford Harbour and the Slaney Estuary", An Foras Forbartha, December 1980.
Publications and Presentations: Text
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